Thursday, October 6, 2016

A present


Today I will talk about a present that my parents gave me at Christmas a few years ago.

I always love music, but when I was younger I was obsessed with playing guitar. I remember my parents gave me my first guitar when I was a child but only when I was fifteen I learned to play it and since this moment my obsession with playing started.

So, a few years ago at Christmas my parents gave me an electro acoustic guitar and amplifier. I remember I liked so much because it’s beautiful and also because the sound is very different to an acoustic guitar. At the beginning I remember that I suffered  because my fingers felts so much pain because the metal strings but anyway I still played all day long.

Right now I don’t play so much guitar because since I joined at university I don’t have so much time and that it’s really sad. My guitar is in my bedroom and when I have time I play it.


  1. Hi! I think that's a great present. I love to play guitar too and I think electro acoustic guitars sounds amazing!

  2. Hi! What a great present, I would love to learn how to play a guitar! There's one in my house, but I never really have the time to try to learn how to play it :(

  3. I hope you go back to playing guitar when you get out of here! it's a very beutiful sound :)
