Thursday, September 29, 2016

The country I would like to visit


Today I will write about the country I would like to visit. I think traveling is very fun and gives you an opportunity to experience a different culture or life styles, but usually it’s very expensive and that it’s the main obstacle. Anyway, I would like to go to Egypt, in particular to Cairo, because I think this country have a beautiful culture and places to visit. 
About the country, I know the universal history that I learn at school and lately I focus in Egyptian history but more associated to the dance. 
If someday I can go to Egypt I would like to visit the pyramids, mosques, museum, go to the markets to buy belly dance clothes because in Chile it’s very expensive to buy these things and probably I would go to belly dance workshops. 
Obviously I would like to study there. First to all I would like learn the language, because it’s very important to a dancer be able to express the song that you are dancing and in belly dance sometimes it’s very difficult traduce lyrics and also because it’s very interesting the handwrite and is a big challenge to me. And for other hand I would like learn more about my dance with Egyptian teachers.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


My name is Rocío Pizarro and today I’m want to talk about my favorite hobby, which is bellydance.
Two years ago I went to workshop to bellydance and I loved it. So, I started to take class more profesional in Nazli study and since that moment I never stopped dancing.
Presently, I am part of Ballet Saeeda Amateur Company and second level in the regular class of Nazli Study. Actually, tomorrow I havea presentation with the Ballet in Coquimbo. I’m very nervous about that!
I hope in the future I can be part of the profesional ballet from my study and be a profesional bellydancer.
I invite all of you to see and enjoy  the bellydance and arabic culture.
If you are interested in this dance you can talk to me and I can help you about this topic.
I hope all of you have a nice weekend!
